TRX Backcountry Beer Workout Series - One Arm Row


TRX Backcountry Beer Workout Series - One Arm Row

Just because your camping in the backcountry does not mean you can't get a good TRX workout in.  We will have several exercises based on using the TRX in outdoor settings.  The One Arm Row is a wonderful exercise that challenges the core as well as the back.  This is a great movement to incorporate into your workouts and its a lot harder than it looks! 

How to do the one arm row.  Start by hooking up your TRX (in this case we looped it around a tree) 9ft up or so.  Grab one of the handles and face the anchor point (in this case the tree).  Take a moderate angle (not as much as you would for a regular row, obviously).  Engage your core to keep your body for rotating and lower your self until your arm is straight. Pull yourself back to starting position.  

Repeat the motion for 12 reps on each arm.  Repeat for 3-4 sets.  Check in for more backcountry TRX based workouts on our website.

Purchase your TRX here -